Not many awesome things begin in a hot tub. In fact, in general I'd encourage you to refrain from making any major life-changing decisions in or around hot bubbling water.

This all started in a hot tub

But there I was talking to a friend of mine, Josh. 

Josh is a great guy who's got a solid foundation in web development. Arguably more than I did when I first started 5 years. ago. My question for him: "Why aren't you building websites on the side for money?"
His response: "I'm afraid I might mess something up for a client." 

From that conversation I guessed there were probably a lot of folks just like Josh. People who in a fairly short amount of time could be getting paid to build websites. And, I knew it was time to help people like Josh and people just like yourself become Self-Made Web Designers.

In these pages you'll find tips, strategies and encouragement for you to win as a web designer. I'm passionate about seeing you succeed in life. And, I'm excited to take this journey with you!

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I'm glad you're here. I'm about seeing you win as a web designer. So, how can I help? Set up a phone call and let's chat.

So glad you're here

Web Design Careers




UX Design

Web Design

You can expect quality content that outlines the steps and processes I took to get where I am today as a web designer. Hopefully, because I've learned some things I can teach you what to do and what not to do.

Posts will be weekly, and I'm also available to connect one on one if you have anything you'd like to dive deeper on.

Here's some things I like to talk about: 

Here's what to expect from me

When she left so did over half of my annual income. I had to figure out something fairly quickly to make extra income. That's when I turned to web design. Without much prior knowledge in design or development I started my journey.

18 months later and I had doubled the income of my full-time job by freelancing as a web designer in my free time.

5 years later and I have a full-time career as a ux web designer. By day, I work at an amazing company called Showit. By night, I work hard to help as many people I can see the kind of success I've had as a web designer. 

My wife said it best when she said, "We are the perfect outtake family."

When you scroll through our photos you'll see tons of pictures of us being silly, making faces or just straight up acting weird. That's who we are, and we love us.

The three little people in the picture are my daughters. Ashlynn, Annabelle and Selah. And, that flower wielding bombshell next to me is my incredible wife, Sarah.

My life looks nothing like what I had planned it to be. 6 years ago I was divorced. My wife of 10 years walked out.

A little about Mr. Self-made Web Designer

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My ultimate goal with the Self-Made Web Designer is to truly be a resource to people who are beginning their journey in web design or help those who have all ready begun. 

Do you need a bit of advice getting started? Maybe you are a little stuck on a project currently or having trouble figuring out how to handle a client. I'd love to help.

I have nothing to sell. There's no strings attached. Just my honest efforts to be as helpful as possible. In my toughest seasons as a web designer, someone was there for me. So, I'd like to return the favor.

Let's set up a phone call

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This free, 4 video course will give you all the tools you need to start freelancing as a web designer and earning extra money.

• How to get started from scratch
• How to find your first clients
• How to charge higher rates

Become a web designer and land high-paying clients

Come learn the same steps I use to land projects for $6k+ on Upwork. You'll walk away knowing:

• How to stand out from other freelancers
• A cover letter template that wins
• Profile MUST HAVES that most freelancers miss

3 Simple Steps to Land High Paying Projects on Upwork