

If you’ve ever been frustrated by the question, “How much should I charge for a website design?” I feel you. The differences in prices some people charge for a website is staggering. One person will ask for $500 ANOTHER will ask for $50,000. And, there’s all sorts of levels in between there. So, how do […]

How Much Should I Charge for a Website Design? (Free Calculator)

A vibrant pink image featuring the text “How Much Should I Charge for a Website Design” in bold black letters on the left. On the right, there is a stylized representation of a smartphone with a calculator app interface displayed, created using a halftone dot pattern. The image combines design elements to symbolize the calculation and decision-making process for web design pricing.


The right side hustle tips are ESSENTIAL to turning your part-time gig into a profitable, sustainable venture while avoiding the frustration and burnout that are all too common. How do I know? I’ve had some kind of side hustle my entire adult life. One way or another, I was always doing something to try to […]

8 Side Hustle Tips to Help You Save Time & Make More Money

The image features a bold and vibrant design with a neon pink background. The text “8 SIDE HUSTLE TIPS” is prominently displayed in large, black, block letters. Next to the text is an abstract, pixelated image of a laptop created using ASCII art, adding a tech-inspired touch to the overall design


Hey! You know that website you thought was going to be an easy project? The reason it’s not, and the reason you’re frustrated is because you botched the website discovery process. Listen, it happens to all web designers. It’s happened to me MUCH more often than I’d like to admit. Maybe it’s my ADHD. Maybe […]

Website Discovery Process: 4 Key Steps You Absolutely Can’t Miss

text that reads website discovery process with ascii art blocks


Being an ADHD business owner comes with it’s fair set of challenges BUT, surprisingly, it can also be a super power. How would I know? In 2022 I found out that I myself am an ADHD business owner. You wanna know how I found out? Instagram. I was happily scrolling along through my reels and […]

8 Hacks to Increase Productivity as an ADHD Business Owner

ASCII Art of an ADHD business owner at a desk with sticky notes everywhere


I’m gonna be honest with you. It’s taken me a while to cultivate the skills necessary to deliver what I would consider “creative web design.” If early images of my portfolio are any indication that no one is a lost cause for building creative websites then allow me to painfully show you what my first […]

Creative Web Design Practices & Ideas that Help Sites Stand Out

a blank old desktop computer


The single skill that has caused me to grow the most as a web designer is learning how to find the right web design inspiration. I’m not just using hyperbole here to prove a point. You’re probably reading this thinking, “Yeah right!? What you meant to say is web development skills or design acumen is […]

38 Web Design Inspiration Resources You’ve Got to Know About

Design books a source of web design inspiration


When I was first getting started as a web designer one of my first goals was to figure out how to make better websites. That probably should be the case for every new web designer, right? But, you’d be surprised. I would often dream of one my sites making it on one of those web […]

How to Make Better Websites that Stand Out and Get Noticed

An image of a website wireframe to help illustrate how to make better websites


There is nothing that can derail a project quite like a poor web design client onboarding process. But, listen, we’ve ALL BEEN THERE. The excitement of a new client. The thrill of that deposit hitting your bank account. The reconfirmation that you can in fact keep doing this thing you love and don’t need to […]

Web Design Client Onboarding Process Made SUPER Simple

Woman writing in front of computer to illustrate web design client onboarding process


I may be a little biased, but I believe building a web design side hustle may be one of the best things you can do for yourself…like, ever. After all, I did …get out of debt…change careers in my 30s…earned an extra $3k a month All with a web design side hustle. Listen, web design […]

How to Build A Web Design Side Hustle with No Experience – Complete Manual


Business Management seemed like a safe bet when I first started college. Who knew that single decision would force me to learn how to become a web designer without a degree later in life. If only in your late teens and early 20s could you have the foresight to pick what you would be doing […]

How to Become a Web Designer Without a Degree Fast – Complete Guide

A degree with a graphic of skull and cross bones over top to indicate how to become a web designer without a degree


Becoming a freelance web developer is actually pretty simple. And, in this article, I aim to show you just how simple it is in a 5 step process. Now, wait! Before you start composing an angry email to tell me you disagree OR checkout altogether, hear me out. I didn’t say it was easy. I […]

How to Become a Freelance Web Developer in 2024 (5 Steps to Success)

Man sitting at desk wondering how to become a freelance web developer


“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Or in our case, if you fail to web design business plan, you plan to web design business fail? I don’t think that works the way I thought it would, but you get the picture, right? 😂 In all seriousness, I think a lot of folks […]

Build a Web Design Business Plan – 10 Steps to Profit and Growth


I said it would never be me. I’d never succumb to side hustle burn out. I know how to handle stress. I’m capable. I made it through college on barely any sleep. Surely, I’d be able to manage a full-time job, my four children’s needs, a healthy relationship with my wife, a solid workout routine, […]

How to Avoid Side Hustle Burn Out (My Personal Horror Story)

lit match burning out to represent side hustle burn out


Mistakes with freelance clients are kind of unavoidable. But a wise woman named Eleanor Roosevelt once said it’s better to “learn from the mistakes of others. [Because] you can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” This week I sat down with my wife, Sarah, to talk about her experience with her first big […]

Big Mistakes to Avoid with Your First Major Freelance Web Design Client

spilt ice cream on a bench


What if you could get hours of your day back? What would you do? Spend more time with your family? Start another hobby? Sleep? As a freelancer, you might think it’s impossible to cut down your work day. After all folks like Gary Vee are literally screaming at you to spend more time growing your […]

How to Create Systems as Freelancer to Save Time and Scale Your Business

Post it notes on a wall to symbolize creating systems in a freelance business


The idea of having a gig where you only work a few hours a week on the side but still make a decent amount of money sounds good to just about everyone I know. And, that’s kind of the lure of the freelance side hustle. The problem is making good money requires offering a really […]

How to Build a Lucrative Side Hustle and Not Burn Out from Overworking

Man asleep at desk to illustrate not overworking and burning out building a side-hustle


Nothing has the power to cripple a self-employed freelancer quite like freelance taxes. In fact, I’ve heard of horror stories with freelance businesses shutting down altogether because they didn’t do their taxes right. Everything was going great! They were making money and had plenty of clients. Then, during tax season, they found out they owed […]

Freelance Taxes: How To Do Taxes Yourself And Still Rest Easy at Night

Tax forms to represent freelance taxes


If you’ve been freelancing for any length of time you’ve probably heard of or even known someone that has fallen prey to an Upwork scam. That leaves some folks hesitant to even give Upwork a shot. AND, In my opinion, that would be a tragedy. Upwork has been and still is a huge part of […]

Upwork Scam: 7 Things You Can Do to Avoid Getting Taken Advantage Of

man holding hand over mouth to show what you look like when you're involved in an upwork scam


Having an efficient web design process that you take your clients through on every project is an essential part of being successful as a freelance web designer. But, sadly, most folks approach every project differently without any repeatable system. They kind of shoot from the hip with everything. Maybe a wireframe here… A bit of […]

A Simple Web Design Process Freelance Clients Will Love in 7 Steps

a book page with the word "steps" highlighted to emphasize creating steps in a web design process


A lot of people want to get started with web development they just don’t have any clue where to begin. A quick google search will leave you paralyzed with all the possible options to choose from what types of languages you should learn to how to learn them. There’s: Frontend development Backend development Bootcamps Online […]

The Best Way to Get Started with Web Development

Hands on a laptop to symbolize how to get started with web development


Most freelancers approach their sales pitch process haphazardly. Typically, you jump on a call or video conference and just kind of see what happens. Cross your fingers that it goes well, right? And, sometimes it DOES go great. Other times, it straight up bombs. So, the question is, does it have to be that unpredictable? […]

Sales Pitch Process: 5 Keys to Get the Right Clients to Say Yes Every Time

Guy on a zoom call during a sales pitch process


Let’s be honest, web design revisions are painful for us freelancers/agency owners. I’ve got some nightmare stories and a fair share of newbie scars from clients who just couldn’t seem to be satisfied with the designs I presented no matter how hard I tried. I once made about 10 different versions of a logo for […]

Web Design Revisions: How to Avoid Endless Changes from Clients

two people with laptops talking to illustrate a client asking for web design revisions


Building a web design business isn’t a piece of cake. Add to that a busy life and you’ve got a real conundrum. You feel pushed and pulled in so many directions. It’s hard to tell which one you should make a priority. AND, when it’s all said and done you feel like you’re neglecting EVERY […]

How to Build A Web Design Business Even if You’re Super Busy

Persons hand above water to illustrate how hard it is to build a web design business when you're super busy


If you’ve really tried to become a web developer in the past but have struggled OR if there are certain areas of web dev that you’re wanting to improve in this is for you. Here is what I’ve found to be the best way to learn web development in 2022. I don’t know if you’ve […]

The Best Way to Learn Web Development in 2024 Without Getting Stuck

a computer screen with code to illustrate the best way to learn web development in 2022


You’re going to face tough times in your freelance business. How you handle them can make the difference between you coming out on top or having to shut down entirely. Check out this podcast to hear my own personal journey through a tough season and how you can thrive no matter what you’re facing. I […]

How to Navigate Tough Times in Your Freelance Business and Come Out On Top

a man at a desk with a silhouette light to represent the tough times in freelance business


Some people take multiple years to scale a web design business to six figures. Then some people do it in 1 year or less. So, what’s the difference between those who are able to do it quickly and those who are able to do it in a fraction of the time? Believe it or not, […]

How to Quickly Scale Your Web Design Business to 6 Figures

A light streak from a fast car to represent how to quickly scale your web design business to 6 figures


Austin and Monica had the next few years of their lives planned out. They were recently married and on their way into the Peace Corps. They had sold everything they had, quit their jobs, and ended their lease. They were ready and excited about this new season of life. Then the pandemic hit. And, their […]

From VA to Web Design: How One Couple Built a Successful Agency in 1.5 Years

Fork in the road in the woods to symbolize going from virtual assistant to web designer


There is not a freelancer alive that doesn’t struggle with insecurity. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been freelancing or how good you are. Everyone feels like an imposter. This week I talked with Michael who is having doubts about approaching clients. He’s struggling because he feels like there are a lot of web designers […]

How to Overcome Your Insecurities and Be Confident as a Freelancer

A depressed woman looking through a window to symbolize overcoming insecurities as a freelancer


Don’t want to read over 1,000 words about how to get freelance web design clients when you’re just getting started? No worries I got you. Here’s a podcast. It’s hard to know how to get freelance clients when you’re first getting started. In your gut you know there’s a lot of opportunities out there. But, […]

5 Ways to Get Freelance Clients When You’re Just Getting Started

A magnifying glass on a blue background to symbolize how to get freelance clients


Don’t want to read thousands of words on how to overcome freelancing fears? I got you. Here’s a podcast Want to know the one thing I’ve found holds most people back from getting started as a freelancer? It’s not a lack of ability. It’s not even a lack of opportunity. Plain and simple, most people […]

5 Common Fears People Have About Freelancing and How to Overcome Them

A woman with her hands on her face in fear to symbolize the fears freelancers face and how to get over them


Typography in Web Design is often something web designers think about last when they’re working on a project. The checklist often goes something like this: Good images? Check ✅ Nice visual balance? Got it ✅ Appealing Color Palette? Done ✅ Typography? Oh yeah…I need to think about that 😂 But, text and typography often take […]

Typography in Web Design: What You Need to Know

The letter A in different font styles to symbolize typography in web design


A lot of salaried employees are starting to buck the norm and learning how to become a digital nomad. The truth is a lot of people spend their entire lives devoting most of their energy to their careers. But, something has happened recently. Many are starting to ask, “Why am I adjusting my lifestyle for […]

How to Become a Digital Nomad with the Projects You Win on Upwork

A plane window view to symbolize how to become a digital nomad


It’s tough to make a career change no matter what season of life you’re in. But, it gets even tougher the older you get. For 13 years I was a worship pastor for a large church. I had no desire to switch up what I was doing. Then my wife of 10 years walked out […]

How to Break Into a Web Development Career After 30

Old man on a computer to symbolize how to break into a web development career after 30


Building a side hustle into a million-dollar company is kind of the dream, right? It’s fun to daydream about what life would look like if you had multiple employees, office space OR EVEN an entire HR department.  Okay, maybe you don’t dream about HR departments but all of us dream about having outrageous success.  Well, […]

How to Grow Your Side Hustle to a Million Dollar Agency

Escalators taking a woman up to symbolize how to grow your side hustle to a million dollar agency


It’s inevitable. You will one day be faced with a list of objections from a potential client as a freelancer. And, the way I see it is you’ve got a few options when that happens: Act defensive and turn them off from working with you altogether Throw your hands ups and not even try Figure […]

How to Overcome Client Objections as a Freelancer and Win More Projects

Meeper from the Muppets and robot toy fighting to symbolize handing client objections


I’m a coach for my 8 year old’s soccer team. It’s a lot of fun, but it’s also excruciating at the same time. During their games I’m forced to stand on the sideline while I watch them make really simple mistakes that are super easy to fix and would end up making a HUGE difference […]

9 Common Mistakes Freelancers Make on Upwork When Trying to Win Projects

a broken ice cream on the ground


There’s not much that strikes more fear into the hearts of freelance web designers than the need for having good web design contracts. I’ve known web designers who wouldn’t even get started freelancing because they were so afraid of getting sued. OR, they feared messing up a contract in such a way that they end […]

What You Need to Know About Web Design Contracts from an Actual Attorney

a judge's gavel to symbolize the importance of web design contracts


Don’t want to read over 2,000 words on why you’re getting rejected on Upwork? I got you. Here’s a podcast: Rejection is never fun especially when it comes to freelance clients on Upwork. You work so hard to craft the perfect cover letter or pitch. You read it and then reread it, and then have […]

5 Main Reasons Clients Reject You On Upwork

Woman with sad face drawn on paper bag over head to illustrated the sadness of getting rejected on Upwork


Don’t want to read over 2,000 words about why you should freelance on Upwork in 2021? No worries! Listen to the podcast: There are a lot of people who will tell you you should freelance on Upwork. And at the same time, a lot of people will tell you not to waste your time. There […]

6 Big Reasons You Should Freelance on Upwork in 2024

Happy man on computer to symbolize why you should freelance on Upwork


As a web designer, your need to generate and land web design leads feels like a scene taken straight out of “Groundhog Day.” You know? The movie with Bill Murray where he somehow gets stuck in this never-ending loop. He’s forced to repeat the same day over and over again until he gets it just […]

High Value Web Design Leads Anyone Can Generate for Free

people standing in line to represent web design leads waiting for you to work on their projects


When you first begin thinking about becoming a freelance web designer or developer you don’t naturally think of finding a freelancer community as the highest of priorities. But, the reality is finding a community that you can walk with through your journey as a freelancer is one of THE most important things if not THE […]

How to Find Success as a Freelancer Through Finding a Good Community

A group of people standing on a rock to symbolize the importance of finding a freelancer community


We’ve always been told that there was really only one way to build a freelance web design business. Step 1: Learn web design/development skillsStep 2: Find clientsStep 3: As you get better you charge higher and higher prices Then for the really ambitious, you start an agency and make really big bucks. Sure, a lot […]

Scale a 1 to 1 Web Design Business with Productized Services

a worker on a manufacturing line to illustrate a web designer productizing their services


7 years ago, if you told me I’d one day be offered $10,000 to build a website I probably would have laughed at you. At the time, the most I’d ever gotten was a $100 gift card to Amazon. And, that was because someone was just being nice. The possibility of actually making that much […]

How to Win $10,000 Projects as a Freelance Web Designer

A freelancer at his desk to symbolize winning $10,000 projects as a freelance web designer


Don’t want to read almost 3,000 words on what you need to do to become a top rated freelancer on Upwork? No worries I got you. Here’s a podcast: Becoming a Top Rated Freelancer on Upwork was a game-changer for me. It was like almost overnight I went from clawing and scratching to find and […]

How to Become a Top Rated Freelancer on Upwork

Man climbing side of mountain to illustrate the climb to become a top rated freelancer on upwork


Erin Flynn is not your normal freelance web designer. While everyone else is preaching “hustle, grind, kill yourself until you win” Erin is encouraging everyone to slow down and build a business that supports your life RATHER than the other way around. Erin only works two to four hours a day as a freelance web […]

How to Only Work 20 Hours a Week & Make an Amazing Income

How to Only Work 20 Hours a Week and Still Make an Amazing Income|| A man floating in the ocean while reading a book
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This free, 4 video course will give you all the tools you need to start freelancing as a web designer and earning extra money.

• How to get started from scratch
• How to find your first clients
• How to charge higher rates

Become a web designer and land high-paying clients

Come learn the same steps I use to land projects for $6k+ on Upwork. You'll walk away knowing:

• How to stand out from other freelancers
• A cover letter template that wins
• Profile MUST HAVES that most freelancers miss

3 Simple Steps to Land High Paying Projects on Upwork